Live Product Training: You’ve signed up for Classe365, but now what? This free training webinar takes you through all the modules so you can start leveraging all the great features. 
Hosted By 
Ashley Cooper 
Enablement Speclialst
Every Thursday - 2 P.M  EST
Even if you can't make it, sign up anyway! We'll send you the recording.

About The Webinar

Here at Classe365, we're passionate about our customers, and dedicated to helping them get up to speed quickly. Sign up for the training webinar to learn how Classe365 can save you time, money, and sanity.

Step by step getting started tour. Takes less than 10 mins to get you up and running.
Indepth overview of every module and deep dive into some important and stretegic modules
Learn managing curriculum, lession plans, quizes, discussions with our integrated LMS
Learn about our iOS and Android App features. Enabling students, parents and teachers to adopt Classe365 fast.
Yes, we can customize the cloud tenant for you. Learn potential customisation options and how we cater  to  specific customization  requests.