Call Us: 1-888-576-WOMB
The only way to go is UP
Learn how to activate your power & change your life
Ready or not, life as you know it, is changing.
Learn to bend that to your advantage.

44 powerful women leaders have come together to increase your capacity for greater power, influence, and healing.​

44 is the number of supernatural help and provision. Not only will you have the support of our speakers with this online global retreat, you have divine support to transform yourself and your life.​

You will learn 44 different ways to #ELEVATE.

Nurture your soul
Free your mind
Destress your body
Meet Your Hostess
Thema Azize Serwa


Your empowerment is my passion. I am Thema Azize Serwa, visionary of The Womb Sauna!

I discovered my passion to lead people to their highest potential at age 6 creating my first organization. For years I leased out my life, energy, and focus to working for others' dreams and it showed up in my womb health. That was my training ground for my own life's purpose.

After experiencing a personal health crisis, my priorities changed. I harmonized my body, mind, spirit, and the rest is history. I now choose everyday to demonstrate to the world, what a whole, healthy, powerful woman looks like. As a result, other amazing women are inspired to access their own power. This is my life's work.


>> Click here to read my complete bio

What's Included
Our Speakers & Topics