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Moving to Canada and indeed Windsor, ON was a daunting prospect. Leaving family and a great career was challenging. Landing in the winter was demoralizing.

At the time it was hard to get into the workplace. However, early research into credential assessment left my husband and I in good stead. With limited teaching positions for Canadian students, I looked to diversify my experience. The settlement agencies and local newspaper and websites helped with networking.

Interviews were difficult to obtain but one needed to ensure that their cover letter and resume was appropriate and efficient. It is paramount that one believes in their skill set and networks appropriately. Chasing up applications a week after applying is essential. On occasions, some agencies had not read my resume but after my phone call, sifted through the pile to find my resume. I was successful in landing interviews.

I have since worked for two different organizations and finished up as a Manager. I left to pursue further education and am now enrolled in a PHd program.

The secret is to believe you can diversify and look at your skills in different ways. This will give you the ability to be successful. In doing so, have the confidence to chase up every job application by phone and spend 15 mins of your time a week on your application. Sometimes people best remember your uniqueness on the phone rather than a standard resume that sits in a pile with all the others.