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To Whom It May Concern,

Please allow this letter to serve as correspondence concerning my nomination of Police Corporal Jessica Bruhmuller for the “Lasik for Local Heroes” contest. Jessica has been employed at the Panama City Beach Police Department for the past eleven years and also serves as the Investigative Secretary, Criminal Analyst, and Records Custodian. She further serves as the Coordinator for the department’s Auxiliary/Reserve program as well as numerous “non-essential” duties such as coordinating and assisting in the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas basket/toy runs for needy families on Panama City Beach. She unselfishly gives her time to these wonderful programs and without her they would not exist or run as smoothly as they do. I cannot think of another person more deserving of such a wonderful gift, and that’s what it would be to her…a wonderful gift. Not only does she don a Beach Police uniform and assist in a Patrol capacity, she spends countless hours in front of a computer screen manually reviewing and checking reports for mistakes. In that respect, I need not tell you how important this gift would be to her.

On a more personal level, Jessica is the kind of person that can literally be called upon at any time. I know that is said all the time about good people but I swear, I don’t care if it’s two o’clock in the afternoon or two o’clock in the morning, if you need her, she’ll be there. Jessica is the kind of person that brightens a gloomy day and with all the rain we’ve had lately, it’s been nice to have her around. Even when she’s not feeling well she doesn’t let it affect her optimism for life and can always put a smile on someone’s face. When she is feeling well she can walk in a room and I swear you can feel the souls of other people shutter with excitement. We live in a cynical world, and work in a mostly thankless job and I am honored each and every day that I am around Jessica because she reminds me that there are good and decent people still in the world, people that don’t mind doing for others and don’t mind if nothing is done for them. I hope that this CAN be done for her and I sincerely hope that you consider Jessica as a winner for the contest because she more than deserves it.


Chad Lindsey
Major, Panama City Beach Police Department