Flash Sale Popup

Drive website visitors to your Flash Sale page to get more orders

Flash Sale Popup

Ecommerce & Retail

Get more customers


The Flash Sale Popup is a powerful way to drive traffic to your ecommerce store’s Flash Sale page and drive more orders.

When visitors land on your website, the popup appears, telling them about your flash sale and creating interest in it. Visitors can then click the call-to-action button on the popup and are sent to the flash sale page on your ecommerce store.

This will drive more orders for your ecommerce store.


The Flash Sale Popup Campaign is made up of 3 steps:
Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup
Step 1: A person visits your ecommerce store

A person visits a page on your ecommerce store and the popup is triggered.

Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup
Step 2: The Flash Sale Popup appears

The popup appears as an overlay on the page. The person clicks the call-to-action button and is directed to the flash sale page on your ecommerce store.

Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup
Step 3: The person is taken to your flash sale page

After the person clicks the popup’s call-to-action button, they’re taken to your flash sale page to browse your sales items and make a purchase.

Step 1: A person visits your ecommerce store website

When visitors first land on your website, the popup is triggered.

Here’s how it works:

First, install the Wishpond Popup Code to your ecommerce store’s website. The popup code tracks which pages people visit on your website. When a person visits a page on your website, the code triggers the popup and it appears as an overlay on the webpage.

Step 2: The Flash Sale Popup Appears

The Flash Sale Popup is where people are told about the sale and shown the call-to-action button to go browse it. It has two jobs:

  • 1. Get people excited about your flash sale:

    The best way to do this is with a big, bold, in-your-face headline to entice them to read the popup.

  • 2. Make it easy for people to understand and click

    The popup is designed to be bold but simple and straightforward. People will easily be able to read it and understand they should click the call-to-action button to access the flash sale.

Popup Breakdown
Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup
Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup

This headline stops people in their tracks and pulls them in. It gets them excited and builds a sense of urgency to check out the sale immediately.


Give more details on what your flash sale is. Include the highest percentage discount featured in the sale to get them excited.

Call-to-Action Button

This button entices people by framing the action as getting access to something. This makes the flash sale seem like a hidden secret, making it more exciting.

Step 3: The person is taken to your Flash Sale Page

After the person clicks the popup’s call-to-action button, they’re taken to your flash sale page. Here they’ll be able to browse your limited-time sale items and make a purchase.

Flash sales a great way to create a sense of urgency and get people to buy – especially first-time buyers.

How to Create this Campaign in Wishpond

The Flash Sale Popup Campaign is available free on all plans in Wishpond. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Sign up for a Wishpond account.
  2. Select Ecommerce & Retail as your Industry
  3. In the Campaigns Dashboard, click View More, scroll down and choose Flash Sale Popup.
    • This will take you to Wishpond’s Drag-and-Drop Campaign Builder. There, you can edit the Ecommerce Flash Sale Popup. It’ll look just like it does above, and you’ll be able to edit and style it however you like.
  4. Publish the Popup on all pages on your ecommerce store’s website.

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